Our Business Model
Instead of going around to businesses year after year asking for donations, we simply handle their credit card processing.
Then we lower their rates and then donate a portion of the fees we earn on their processing to charity.
Besides being a feel-good decision, it is also a really good business decision.
- We give our merchants free terminals, free marketing and promotions and free point-of-sale materials.
- We do free pci monitoring to make sure merchants aren't paying non-compliant fees.
- We conduct annual analytical audits of a merchant's payment processing efficiency.

Our merchants also never have to call a 1-800-Call Center. Our merchants can call the four owner's cell phones - and get the answer to any question they might have.
It is our firm belief that credit card processing is our business, not the merchants. We don't expect merchants to invest any time into switching their account over or maintaining it. We do it all for them.
Want to Participate as a New Merchant?
If your business is located in one of the U.S. states or territories, we can provide merchant processing for you. Simply call us 800-768-6004 or email info@swipeforacause.com and we can start the process. If you have an existing account with another credit card processor, please email or fax (800-378-7034) one of your recent processing statements for an accurate comparative rate analysis and proposal. Also, please let us know how you are accepting cards presently - by stand-alone terminal, point of sale system, e-commerce or mobile.
Want to Participate as an area Agent?
You can work part-time or full-time from your home or office. You will earn a residual compensation for any business you introduce us to who ends up signing on. You will also have the great feeling of helping raise funds.
Unlike with other Independent Sales Offices, you will not be asked to meet a monthly quota as we feel quotas encourage over-promising in order to make the sale.
You will be selling a great product. There is no need to sweeten the pot with things we can not deliver on. We just need you to be honest and have a passion for charitable giving.
Call us or email us if you are interested.