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TransArmor: Your Best Defense Against Hackers

The big box stores are secure and the hackers know it.

They are now targeting small businesses about 95% of the time.

Just search the web for small business breaches.

And while most businesses don’t worry about being breeched until it happens to them, with VISA, MC, Discover and Amex able to charge up to $250,000 a piece (that’s right…it can be up to $1,000,000 for one breech), once you are breeched it can be too late.

Transarmor is the first easy, cost effective way to make sure your transactions are safe from hackers.

Transarmor encrypts at the point of swipe and then tokenizes the number at capture.  The only way your data can be stolen is if someone pre-empts the reader by installing something right into your terminal.

The fines for being breached are enough to put you out of business.   The cost of being secure is a small business expense.

Don’t wait until you are breached to contact us at Swipe for a Cause today and find out more about Transarmor..

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