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Top Five Reasons to Process with Swipe

1. We give 5% of our gross proceeds to charity.

We support Hope Hospice and Palliative Care in RI and MA and can support other charities as well. This means that every time someone makes a credit/debit purchase at your business, whether it is in person or online, a portion of the fees you pay are going to do something good for others. Many merchants use the marketing we provide to tell their customers this. They know customers love it when a portion of a sale goes to charity. We do all the work. You get all the credit.

2. Our pricing is always transparent. While all processors promise to lower your pricing, how can you be sure it remains low? Let’s face it – the statements that are generated by our parent processor are far from user friendly, because that is how most processors like them. But we want you to be able to read your statement and can teach you how in about 15 minutes. We want you to be able to check for yourself each month that you are getting the rates we promised.

3. Our agents don’t make a sale and move on. Do you still know the person who sold you your current processing? Chances are he or she no longer even works for the company. With most processors, the moment you sign your contract, you can nolonger reach out to the agent who sold you the account. They are on to the next sale and you now have the privilege of dealing with 800 numbers and call centers. But our agents don’t just sell accounts, they service their accounts. So they can’t oversell and make promises we can’t keep knowing that they won’t have to deal with the fallout. They will be your first point of contact for any questions you have as long as you process with us.

4. You have a direct line to our CEO and owners. Our agents are your first point of contact… although it is extremely rare that they don’t know or can’t get you any information you need, if that does happen, you will always be able to go further up the chain of command. You will have the contact information for the CEO and the owners and are welcome to use them if you ever feel the need. But we promise you it won’t happen very often (if ever), as most of our agents have worked for Swipe for a Cause for years and know their stuff.

5. Our incredible low attrition rate. Swipe for a Cause has one of the lowest attrition rates of any processor around. With most companies, it is about 30 – 40%. Ours is under 10%. If a merchant leaves us, it is because they have closed their business or been bought out. In fact, out of the very few merchants who have left us because they were promised lower rates, many have actually come back when they haven’t gotten the service or rates they were promised. Sometimes they just have to find out for themselves that it is very hard to find a processor more honest and service-oriented than Swipe for a Cause!